We co-build highly profitable Consumer companies with
sharp CEOs.

We love Consumers

We love brands and services that reshape and enhance the daily life of consumers.
We believe exceptional companies can be built by focusing on consumer passions and experiences, and that they can become profitable super fast.
Discover our investment theses: Unplug - Elder
Verticals we love: Creator Economy - Beauty & Fashion DTC - Food - Travel & Leisure - Education - Health

We have Ideas and funding, we're looking for talented CEOs

Are you a repeat founder? Bored at Big Company Inc.? Learned a lot in a Scale Up, or at a top-tier consulting firm?
And most of all, are you a doer?
We are looking for decisive people who jump into action and want to "make it happen."
Exceptional operators who master execution, to launch and scale transformative Consumer ideas.
In the current downturn environment, it's time to build!

Build a €100m+ company with us within 5 years

We're building startups but we're not dreamers.
We have ambitious goals for the company we will build with you : high growth and quick, durable high profitability.

The deal

Only upsides, no downsides:
- We provide a validated breakthrough consumer idea, and up to €1M seed funding,
- You keep your salary,
- You get up to 20% of the company,
- We provide follow-up financing, no need to raise funds.
- You have access to Pierre-Edouard Stérin and Otiums' extensive networks and experiences in the consumer field.

Meet the team

Operated in Paris by Thomas Owadenko, Michael Levy and Diane Pasquier.
Thomas and Michael are repeat consumer startup builders in France and in the US. Diane is a startup business operations and recruitment expert.
The studio is powered by Pierre-Édouard Stérin, founder of Smartbox and Otium Capital.
Pierre-Edouard has invested €400m in 100 companies, and over 50 CEOs have become millionnaires with him.

5 Steps to become entrepreneur in residence

Our process can take less than 4 weeks. We go fast, to start building fast.
Don't waste time thinking too much, decisive people just make things happen.
Demonstrating no hesitation, motivation and the ability to get to doing, will prove you are the right match.

1. Interview #1 with Thomas
Are your skills, mindset and XP a perfect match for one of our ideas?

2. Choose and work on an idea business case
Provide a personal and structured approach to show your motivation and strategic thinking.

3. Meet the rest of the team
1:1s with other core team members and current portfolio entrepreneurs to get to know each other.

4. Interview #2 with Pierre-Edouard
Present your personal business case of the idea and show why you would be the perfect person to lead it.

5. Start your residency with us !
You will start testing the idea, working hand in hand with our core team to prove it has potential to reach 100M€ fast and that you're the right person to lead it. It is a 3 to 6-months program, with a given budget that includes a compensation. The output of the program is a pitch presentation of the idea to the Otium Investment Committee to raise your first €1M and officially launch the company.

Our Ideas
Apply now to build with us